Small Business And Branding

How to Build “Know, Like, Trust” as a Brand

March 8, 2022


I'm Abbie!

On this blog you'll find tips for your brand session, business resources and more! Take a look around and if you want to know more about moi, head >here<

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“People buy from people.” This is one of my faaaavorite quotes as an entrepreneur. It shows how important a connection is to the client or customer. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never looked at a company’s bare Instagram page or lackluster website and thought “heck yes I’ll buy what they’re selling!” I want assurance it’s not a scam, they’re providing a quality service or product, know what the heck they’re talking about, are consistent, care about me as a consumer, and of course – social proof it works!

All of these things stem from “know, like, trust.

When you start to think of every touch point in your business as a way to institute (at least) one of these factors, your customer experience will thrive!

IDK about you but I have 2,948,534 touchpoints in my client experience so this can feel overwhelming sometimes. Don’t worry, my friend! I’m here to be your guide.

Let’s just real quick get this out of the way – many of these could go in multiple categories but I’m all about that easy-to-read-life so don’t overthink it too much like I did when trying to figure out the best layout for this post, ha!

Building Know

  • Choose 3-5 “Personality Pillars” that you’re comfortable sharing with your audience. These can be as small as your obsession with Lucky Charms cereal or as powerful as a topic that is close to your heart. Use each at least once in every 9 posts (IG Grid) to continually provide your audience with information about who you are.
  • Update your bio to include who you serve & the problem you solve.
  • Share your expertise in Facebook groups or forums where your ideal client hangs out or on other profiles your audience might be following. Make sure it’s relevant to the post!
  • Share your why. Why did you start this business or journey? How did you get to where you are today?

Building Like

  • Create content that educates, inspires, motivates, and engages. We could dive deeeeep on a series for this but in the meantime snag my 7 days of caption prompts >here<.
  • Reply to comments on your posts and engage with your audience’s content.
  • Hop on social media with your FACE. Even if you’re doing a simple daily update! You can do this in stories, reels, IGTV, or lives. Bonus: Create an Instagram Highlight called “About Me” so viewers have a quick resource to learn more.
  • Blog about your personal life (again, only what you’re comfortable sharing).

Building Trust

  • Images of you looking and smiling at the camera create a strong connection with the viewer. Update your social media profile photos & About Me page. Bonus: Use images with a colorful background to stand out & place them at the top of your website home page + any landing pages so it’s the first photo users see!
  • Be consistent. Both in posting & incorporating your brand. Use images that match your vibe and are cohesive across your feed. Decide how often you want to post & try to stick to a regular schedule (of course, always allow yourself grace). Pro Tip: Use an app like Planoly or Metricool to schedule content ahead of time!
  • Make sure your site is easy to navigate, informative, and on-brand.
  • Showcase why you’re the expert & the best person to solve their problem through blog posts and copy throughout your site.

See, wasn’t so bad, right?

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A small biz
owner like you.

I'll be your personal cheerleader from behind the lens. It's my mission to see your business shine with dynamic and modern photos. I believe success is rooted in being yourself. Let's give your brand the tools to show up online with unmatched engagement.

hey, I'm Abbie

more behind the cheesy puns